Super Sculpt uses high-intensity electromagnetic technology to induce short-term bursts of strong muscle contractions, resulting in increased muscle density and volume. Painlessly and effectively causes muscles to contract 20,000 times in 30 minutes! Builds muscle tissue just like exercising but to a much greater extent.
"NU U offer safe, effective machines that rival other well known brands in the market place without the over inflated price tags. If you're looking for a trustworthy supplier with integrity I highly recommend NU U."
Lisa - Wiltshire Inch Loss Clinic

SuperSculpt are non-invasive, professional devices that uses a high-intensity, electromagnetic current to induce powerful, automatic and painless muscle contractions. It causes rapid, repetitive contracting and tightening of the muscles which helps sculpt, build and strengthen the targeted areas. This results in stronger, more defined muscles, as well as the reduction of the surrounding fatty tissue; similar to regular exercise, but at a much more intense rate.
It is ideal for;
active people who want to improve muscle strength and definition
reducing stubborn fat that won't seem to shift with diet and exercise alone
people who are unable to exercise but want to improve or maintain muscle strength, definition and/or body fat percentage.
"Mummy Tummies", (Super Sculpt also helps tighten skin).
the perfect Bum Lift…without the countless squats!
​Super Sculpt makes it possible for your clients to achieve their body goals;
improves muscle strength and definition
helps reduce fat
no recovery time
short treatment times
customisable output options to suit all physical levels
Painlessly and effectively causes muscles to contract up to 20,000 times in 30 minutes; far beyond the capabilities of exercise. Builds muscle tissue just like exercising but to a much greater extent.
Super Sculpt differs to most other non-invasive, body sculpting technologies as it targets, tones and builds muscles, which in turn will burn fat stores.
Super Sculpt Pro Pelvic utilises High-intensity, electromagnetic technology to cause deep pelvic floor muscles stimulation and restoration of the neuromuscular control.
A single session brings thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions, which are extremely important in muscle re-education of incontinent patients.

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