See our competitive prices below.
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ICE LIPO - Fat Freeze
Destroys fat cells by controlled cooling
1 Body Area: £150 (one Cryo cup. Common areas: lower tummy OR upper tummy)
2 Body Areas: £235 (two Cryo Cups. Common areas: love handles OR inner thighs OR outer thighs)
3 Body Areas: £345 (three Cryo Cups. Common areas: Love handles AND lower tummy)
4 Body Areas: £430 (four Cryo Cups. Common areas: Love handles AND upper tummy AND lower tummy)

Cavitation Inch Loss
Effective spot fat reduction using ultrasound
All body areas
One 30-40 minute session: £75
Full course: (8 treatments) (recommended) £560

Strawberry Laser Lipo
The most well known laser inch loss brand
All body areas
4 Laser Lipo Sessions: £280
8 Laser Lipo Sessions: £490 (full recommended course)

The Ultimate Inch Loss Package
Combination treatments tailored for faster results
Packages start from £320
Discount provided for multiple inch loss purchased together.
This consists of multiple inch loss technologies, integrated together into a specific package to produce the fastest reductions possible.

HIFU Facial Treatments
Non-surgical face lifts
Full face lift: £599
Upper or lower face region: £439
Under Chin: £100
Eyes, Brow & Forehead: £199
Under Chin & Neck: £299
Lower Face & Neck: £499

SMAS RF Skin Tightening
Face, body and cellulite. Skin tighnening and wrinkle reduction.
Full Face: £130
Eye Region: £70
Lower or upper face: £90
From 2 to 6 sessions required for a complete course

Laser Hair Removal
All body hair removal
Whole legs: £240 Lower or Upper Legs: £110
Whole Arms: £165 Lower or Upper Arms: £75
Back or Chest: £220
Abdomen: £80
Bikini: £75
Lip or Chin fingers & hands: £65
Under arms: £50
Prices can vary and discount offered for multiple areas